Terms of use

Content policy 

Information on this website or other websites and applications of the Federal Public Service Finance is of a general nature. Information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances and therefore cannot be considered as personal, professional or legal advice given to the user.  

If you need personal or specific advice, you must always send questions to competent services within our FPS.  

Information and documents available on our websites and applications cannot be considered as an authentic reproduction of texts passed officially. Only official texts published in the Belgian Official Journal are considered as authentic. In case of differences between the electronic version and the printed text, the official text published in the Belgian Official Journal (for the Belgian legislation) or in the Official Journal of the European Union (for the European legislation) will always take precedence.  

We are doing our best to be sure that the available information is complete, correct, exhaustive and updated. Notwithstanding these efforts, errors may occur in the content of the information put at your disposal. If the provided information is incorrect, not available or not updated any more, we will do our best to solve this problem as quickly as possible.  Of course, you can inform us of this kind of problems

We will do our best to avoid as much as possible interruptions due to technical problems.  However, we cannot guarantee that our websites and applications will be completely free from interruptions or that it will not be affected by other technical problems. 

We cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation or use of our websites and applications.  

Conditions for re-use (Creative Commons-0 licence)

Unless otherwise stated, the information on this website is free of rights and may be used for private, association, scientific and commercial purposes. The federal government does, however, recommend stating the source and date of the information that is reused.

Where prior authorisation is required, or where specific conditions are necessary, re-use restrictions are explicitly mentioned. The re-use of multimedia content (photographs, images, sound, videos, etc.), including the content contained in downloadable documents (brochures, etc.), is always subject to prior approval.

The federal government makes every effort to ensure that this website is correct and up to date. Should an error be detected, it undertakes to make the necessary corrections as soon as possible.

More information on access to and re-use of government information can be found at http://data.gov.be/fr/aspects-legaux.