Royal Mint of Belgium

The Royal Mint of Belgium, part of the Federal Public Service Finance, is responsible for guaranteeing the quality and circulation of coins in Belgium. It is responsible for commissioning the coins, choosing their themes, creating their designs and putting them into circulation.
  • Due to the relocation of our laboratory, we will not be able to carry out precious metals analyses between 1 December 2024 and 1 February 2025. All our other activities will be maintained during this transition period. We apologise for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding.

  • How to buy our commemorative coins ?

    Since 2018 and till 31 December 2025, our coins are minted and marketed by the Royal Dutch Mint, in Utrecht, on behalf of the Royal Mint of Belgium. The Belgian State remains the official issuing authority for the coins.

    Visit our partner site: Here you will find all the information you need about the coins in the Royal Belgian Mint's official collection, including launch dates, issues and how to buy them. It is important to note that the Royal Dutch Mint sets itself sales prices, without the intervention of the Royal Mint of Belgium.

    End-of-stock coins are also sometimes available for sale via Finshop, the official sales site of the FPS Finance.

    Please note that it is no longer possible to buy commemorative coins of 2 EUR in cartridges. These are now available exclusively in coincards via the website

    You can obtain current coins cartridges from your bank or at the office of the National Bank of Belgium. However, we cannot guarantee that the cartridges contain only Belgian coins, as some foreign coins withdrawn from circulation are also rewrapped and included.

  • Official coins of the Royal Mint of Belgium

    Every year, the Royal Mint issues special editions of commemorative and collector coins. These coins, with their unique designs, celebrate our country's heritage, history and key events.

    You can consult below all the official coins issued by the Royal Mint, classified by year and month of issue. They all bear:

    • The Mint Master’s privy mark,
    • and the mint mark of Utrecht, where they are minted by the Royal Dutch Mint.

    The other issuances which are not mentioned in the table below are not official issuances of the Belgian State.

    • 2025

      Issue Date Denomination Theme Quality Metal Max. issue
      January 2 euro National Lottery Belgium  BU Bi-colour 150.000
      January 2 euro National Lottery Belgium  Polierte Platte Bi-colour 4.000
      January Set World Money Fair 2025 - Belgian endive  BU Various 500
      February 20 euro 600 years of KU Leuven & UCLouvain Proof Silver 925/1000 2.500
      April 2 ½ euro Street art in Belgium BU Messing 16.000
      April 12 ½ euro 65th birthday of King Philippe Proof Gold 999/1000 2.500


      2 ½ euro 50 years of the European Space Agency BU Messing 16.000


      Set FDC set year 2025 Hasselt theme BU Various 6.000
      June 10 euro 25 years Spiennes flint mines, UNESCO world heritage site Proof Silver 925/1000 4.000
      July 2 euro Circuit of Spa-Francorchamps  BU Bi-colour 150.000
      July 2 euro Circuit of Spa-Francorchamps  Proof Bi-colour 4000
      August Set Benelux set 2025 BU Various 3.500
      September Set Proof set Belgium 2025 Proof Various 500
      October 5 euro Largo Winch in relief  BU CuNi 7.500
      October 5 euro Largo Winch in colour BU CuNi 7.500
    • 2024

      Issue Date Denomination Theme Quality Metal Max. issue
      January Set  World Money Fair 2024 - Flemish Stew BU Various 500 (sold out)
      January 2 Euro  EU presidency Belgium BU Bi-Colour 125.000
      January 2 Euro EU presidency Belgium Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      March 2 ½ Euro James Ensor Year BU Brass 25.000
      April 10 Euro 75 years of NATO Proof Silver 925/1000 3.000
      April 2 ½ Euro The Bee BU Brass 25.000
      May 2 Euro Fight against cancer in Belgium BU Bi-Colour 125.000
      May 2 Euro Fight against cancer in Belgium Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      June Set FDC year set 2024 Theme Namur BU Various 6.000
      July 20 Euro Team Belgium Proof Silver 925/1000 2.500
      September Set Benelux set 2024 BU Various 3.500
      September Set Proof set Belgium 2024 Proof Various 500
      October 5 Euro  Lucky Luke in relief  BU CuNi 7.500
      October 5 Euro  Lucky Luke in colour BU CuNi 7.500
      December 12 ½ Euro 25th wedding anniversary of the royal couple Proof Gold 999/1000 2.500
    • 2023

      issue date Denomination Theme Quality Metal Max. issue
      January Set  World Money Fair 2023 - Shrimp croquettes BU Various 2.500 (sold out)
      January 12 ½ Euro  Queen Mathilde 50 years Proof Gold 999/1000 500
      March 2 ½ Euro Cycling Experience in Belgium BU Brass 30.000
      April 2 ½ Euro Belgian Festival Culture BU Brass 35.000
      April 5 Euro 85 years of Spirou and Fantasio in relief BU Cuni 7.500
      April 5 Euro 85 years of Spirou and Fantasio in colour BU CuNi 7.500
      May 20 Euro 100 years of SABENA Proof Silver 925/1000 2.500
      June 2 Euro Art Nouveau BU Bi-Colour 150.000
      June 2 Euro Art Nouveau Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      June Set  FDC year set 2023 Theme Eupen BU Various 7.500
      August Set Benelux set 2023  BU Various 5.000
      September 2 Euro  75 years of Universal Women’s Suffrage in Belgium BU Bi-Colour 125.000
      September 2 Euro  75 years of Universal Women’s Suffrage in Belgium Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      October 10 Euro  Belgian Hanseatic Cities Proof Silver 925/1000 5.000
      October Set Proof set Belgium 2023 Proof Various 500
    • 2022

      Issue date Denomination Theme Quality Metal Max. mintage
      January Set  World Money Fair 2022 - Belgian waffels BU Various 500 (sold out)
      April 2 ½ Euro  100 years of bird protection in Belgium  BU Brass 25.000
      May 2 ½ Euro 20 years euro coin BU Brass 25.000
      May 2 Euro For healthcare during the covid pandemic BU Bi-Colour 150.000
      May 2 Euro For healthcare during the covid pandemic Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      June Set  FDC annual set 2022 Theme City of Ghent BU Various 7.500
      Early July 2 Euro 35 years Erasmus program BU Bi-Colour 100.000
      Early July 2 Euro 35 years Erasmus program Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      August Set  Benelux set 2022 BU Various 5.000
      August 20 Euro 150 years Red Star Line  Proof Silver 925/1000 2.500
      September 5 Euro  70 years Marsupilami in relief  BU CuNi 7.500
      September 5 Euro  70 years Marsupilami in colour BU CuNi 7.500
      October 10 Euro 100 years of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Proof Silver 925/1000 5.000
      October Set  Proof set Belgium 2022 Proof Various 500
      October 12 ½ Euro Royal Greenhouses at Laken Proof Gold 999/1000 2.500
    • 2021

      Issue date Denomination Theme Quality Metal Max. issue
      Early July 2 Euro 100 years of the economic union Belgium - Luxembourg (BLEU) BU Bi-Colour 150.000
      Early July 2 Euro 100 years of the economic union Belgium - Luxembourg (BLEU) Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      October 2 Euro 500 years Carolus V coins  BU Bi-Colour 150.000
      October 2 Euro 500 years Carolus V coins  Proof Bi-Colour 5.000
      Early March 2 ½ Euro 5 years Belgian beer culture intangible heritage BU Brass 20.000
      Early March 2 ½ Euro  EURO2020 football BU Brass 50.000
      Early March 5 Euro  75 years Blake & Mortimer in relief  BU CuNi 7.500
      Early March 5 Euro  75 years Blake & Mortimer in colour  BU CuNi 7.500
      April 5 Euro  Team Belgium Olympic Games Tokyo in relief  BU CuNi 6.250
      April 5 Euro  Team Belgium Olympic Games Tokyo in colour BU CuNi 6.250
      June 5 Euro  European Year of Railways 2021 BU CuNi 12.500
      Early March 5 Euro  175th anniversary of birth Charles Van Depoele Proof Silver 925/1000 5.000
      October 10 Euro 500 years silver Carolus V coins Proof Silver 925/1000 5.000
      October 12 ½ Euro Antwerp Diamond City Proof Gold 999/1000 2.500
      Early July 20 Euro 100th Anniversary of birth Roger Raveel  Proof Silver 925/1000 2.500
      Early March 25 Euro  75 years Blake & Mortimer Proof Gold 999/1000 1.000
      October 50 Euro 500 years golden Carolus V coins Proof Gold 999/1000 1.000
      January Set  World Money Fair 2021 - Belgian Beer BU Various 500
      June Set  FDC annual set 2021 Theme Liège BU Various 7.500
      September Set  Benelux set 2021 BU Various 5.000
      October Set  Proof set Belgium 2021 Proof Various 750
    • 2020

      Issue date




      Max. issue



      World Money Fair 2020 - Belgian fries




      20 Euro

      Bruges - Historical city centre 20 years UNESCO World Heritage

      Silver 925/1000



      2 Euro BU

      International Year of Plant Health 2020




      2 Euro Proof

      International Year of Plant Health 2020




      2.5 Euro

      100 years Olympic Games Antwerp 1920-2020


      25,000 with raised design and 25.000 in colour


      5 Euro

      75 years Luke and Lucy


      6,250 with raised design and 6,250 in colour


      2.5 Euro

      75 years peace and freedom in Europe




      5 Euro

      185 years first train on European mainland

      Silver 925/1000



      12.5 Euro

      150th birthday Jane Brigode

      Gold 999/1000




      Set Benelux 2020




      5 Euro

      Team Belgium Olympic Games Tokyo 2020


      6,250 with raised design and 6,250 in colour



      Fleur de Coin annual set 2020 - theme Antwerp




      10 Euro

      500th birthday Christophe Plantin

      Silver 925/1000



      2 Euro BU

      Jan van Eyck year 2020




      2 Euro Proof

      Jan van Eyck year 2020




      10 Euro

      Gothic - Jan van Eyck year 2020 (Europe-star Euro)

      Silver 925/1000



      50 Euro

      Gothic - Jan van Eyck year 2020 (Europe-star Euro)

      Gold 999/1000




      Proofset 2020 in cassette



  • Want to find out more about our coins?

    Discover Monnaie Info, the numismatist magazine dedicated to the issues of the Royal Mint of Belgium. Consult our Monnaie Infos here.

  • Discover our latest news

    • A new 2-euro coin in honour of the National Lottery

      On 23 January, the Royal Mint unveiled its 2-euro commemorative coin in honour of the National Lottery. The coin was handed over to the Minister of Finance, Mr Vincent Van Peteghem and the CEO of the National Lottery, Mr Jannie Haek. 

      The presentation was held at the Royal Circus of Brussels, a symbolic location as the very first draw of the National Lottery was made there. 

      The coin shows the National Lottery logo, with the goddess Fortuna, symbol of chance and luck, holding her cornucopia on top. 

      This commemorative coin celebrates the 90th anniversary of the National Lottery, which has been supporting the Belgian association sector in the fields of culture, sports and welfare for decades. 

    • Temporary suspension of precious metals analyses

      Due to the relocation of our laboratory, we will not be able to carry out precious metals analyses between 1 December 2024 and 1 February 2025. All our other activities will be maintained during this transition period.

      We apologise for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding.

    • #Spendyourchange

      Many of us accumulate red and yellow coins at home. The result? As a result, the Royal Mint of Belgium has to mint new coins on a regular basis, which implies significant economic and ecological costs. Yet there are more than enough coins in circulation to meet demand.

      To re-use these dormant coins and avoid minting new coins, we have launched the campaign #Spendyourchange.

      To find out more and especially how you can support our campaign, visit our website

    • A new official coin to support the Team Belgium - 25/06/2024

      On 25 June, our Royal Mint unveiled its commemorative 20 Euro silver coin to support the Belgian team taking part in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris under the name Team Belgium.  The coin was presented to Cédric Van Branteghem and Jean-Michel Saive, CEO and President respectively of the Belgian Olympic and Interfederal Committee (BOIC). 

      The design of this coin was created by Iris Bruijns. It features Team Belgium's gold logo on the left and on the right “The Embrace”, the BOIC's visual identity during the Olympics, symbolising unity. The reverse shows the portrait of King Philippe, drawn by Luc Luycx. 

      With this coin, the Royal Mint of Belgium continues its tradition of supporting the Belgian Olympic team with a beautiful commemorative coin!  

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