Liquid assets
Accompanied liquid assets
Accompanied liquid assets starting from a value of 10,000 euros must be declared compulsorily to customs, using the forms below (in Dutch, French or German):
You must submit the declaration to the customs authorities of the Member State of first arrival in the EU or of the last place of departure from the EU for the liquid assets you are carrying in your hand and/or hold baggage.
Under accompanied, we mean: goods that you personally carry with you or transport in your luggage or vehicle.
Under liquid assets, we mean: cash, bearer-negotiable instruments and certain types of gold:- gold coins with a gold content of at least 90%;
- gold bars, gold nuggets or gold dust with a gold content of at least 99.5%.
Unaccompanied liquid assets
As regards unaccompanied cash worth EUR 10,000 or more entering or leaving the Union in postal packages, courier shipments, or containerised cargo, Customs authorities can now also request that a disclosure be submitted following an inspection.